Unscrambling Grief: Your Story - Your Way
by Gail Ruth Miller
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We’ve experienced the loss of two young loved ones, for unexpected reasons and with no time to prepare. With emotions in total chaos, we were launched into a roller-coaster ride, that surprisingly, we survived.
Imaging having a book that you can recommend to a friend that gives them permission to grieve in their own way and time ~ remembering that grief doesn't only relate to death.
Unscrambling Grief is a book of hope, written in a relational manner to help you or others through a difficult time.
Humorous illustrations lighten this heavy subject, so you may find yourself laughing through your tears.
I trust that you will be transported to a place where you are able to give yourself permission to deal with your own grief journey in a way that is unique to you.
Or it may be that you need to read this book in order to help someone else on their journey.
Grief may hit in the form of a broken relationship, divorce, loss of a job, bullying at school or work, being placed into aged care, dementia, moving house, moving school, losing a limb, loss of hearing, loss of eyesight, business failure, infertility, stillbirth, miscarriage and so I could go on.
What we do with our grief will depend on the choices that only we can make.
Imagine coming out at the other end of your grief journey as a happy and well-adjusted person because you made good choices about how to deal with your situation. You have the power to do that, despite others giving you their advice, thinking that they understand the path that you're on. They don't.
This is a journey of deep inner pain, but also a time to discover the amazing inner strength that you've been given.
Enjoy reading Unscrambling Grief and please recommend that your friends and family have a copy to keep up their sleeve for when their own personal grief arises, or that of a friend.
We were reminded at the launch of Unscrambling Grief, that the book is a 'must read for everyone, as no one escapes this life without an encounter with grief.'
A financial planner we know has two copies in her office, and lends them to clients as they share stories of the trials they are facing. A friend who is a teacher has a copy in her classroom that she lends to parents who are facing difficult times.
The applications of the usefulness of Unscrambling Grief are endless.
Welcome to a walk through several chapters of our lives ……… Gail Miller