Spiritual Compass: Practical Strategies for When You Feel Lost, Alone and God Seems Far Away
by Sue Hannibal
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This book will resonate deeply with the both the spiritual seeker called to a path of service and in need of guidance as well as those who’ve been chasing healing, sometimes for years, but have not found it through conventional psychiatry or psychotherapy. It provides possible answers to the questions “Why am I here?” “Why is this happening to me?” It also reveals:
•Differences between spiritual communion with God and religious indoctrination/dogma
•How to discover hidden roots of panic attacks, phobias and emotional patterns
•Why everyone has access to intuitive guidance and how to act on it
•How to read energy, your own and others, through metaphor language
Part II takes you into the healing room to witness cases of food allergies and hoarding rooted in past-lives, eight years of panic attacks from a traumatic birth, a case of multiple personality disorder and 27 years of phantom limb pain in an amputee that released in one session.
The journey of self-resurrection is preceded by accurate self-assessment and followed by deep healing. As the journey unfolds, clients arrive in present time centered, grounded and at peace, embracing their recovered identity, voice, and power. You might see yourself and others in this first volume of the Spiritual Compass series, which is at times startling, always direct and is peppered with nuggets of scriptural truth that support your journey of renewal of mind, body and spirit.