The Way of the Medicine Wheel: Integrating Modern Medicine & Ancient Wisdom to Reshape the Future of Healthcare, Healing, and Happiness
by Francine Bartlett
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The Way of the Medicine Wheel holds the foundation for optimal health and wellness to be created through a balance of the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual aspects of well-being. Applied to modern medical practices in settings that are accessible, affordable, and efficient, we have an attainable ability to reshape the future of healthcare, healing, and happiness.
In this book you will learn how the transformation of the Author, Francine Bartlett’s personal and professional life led to a transition of her healthcare practice, approach to relationships, and how balanced health can be achieved. You will see that the current state of our healthcare system and how we walk through life is keeping us in a repeated cycle or downward spiral and learn simple steps to better your life and how to live within these systems to find balance.
It is Francine’s vision that the message and methods of her established practice, Medicine Wheel Wellness in Jackson Hole, WY, will be shared and rooted within more communities around the nation and world.