365 Empowering Stories (Empowering Women to Succeed)
by Randi Goodman
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If that sounds like you, the book you hold in your hands can help. The courageous authors of Empowering Stories have not only been where you are, but also, they got past it. And now, they’ve written about their experiences and how they triumphed over them in the short, empowering stories and poems inside this book.
Each story or poem will take you only a few minutes to read, but the wisdom and insights it holds could inspire you to overcome your challenges and turn your life in a whole new direction.
With honesty and courage, the authors (people just like you) share experiences like:
Life-threatening accidents and illness
Writing your first book at age sixty-four
Physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse
Being adopted and not fitting in
Losing your job and having to start over
Leaving civil war in your homeland and becoming a refugee
Giving up a secure job to start your dream business
And much more….
No matter what you’re going through, there’s no need to stay stuck when the insights and inspiration in this book could help you move forward and even change your life!