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Secrets To Surgery Success: Take Charge and Heal Faster : A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Guide To Achieving Peak Health For Surgery

by Susan S. Wilder


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Surgery is risky. However, every patient can choose whether to engage proactively or take the passive victim route. Clinically proven strategies offer patients significant control over surgical outcomes. Surgical complications are common, costly, sometimes fatal, yet often avoidable. Complications occur in over one third of surgeries, far more than previously estimated. Upwards of 40% of surgical deaths are preventable. Complications cost in myriad ways including prolonged hospitalization, mounting medical bills from thousands to over a million dollars, delayed return to work and life, permanent disability or disfigurement, and death.

Most approach surgery passively, assuming the surgeon will handle everything necessary to assure the best outcome. Physicians know that required “preoperative clearances” have never proven to improve outcomes. Excellent care taken by surgical teams fails to address the most important contributor to surgical outcomes…the patient’s state of health on entering the operating room. Just as anyone would be foolish to run a marathon without training, you would be equally unwise to face surgery without preparing. Surgery is the most significant athletic event most of us will face. In Secrets to Surgery Success, Dr. Wilder distills decades of medical and functional medicine experience along with extensive research guiding you through six simple steps to optimize your physical, mental & emotional health, adopt healthy habits, and strategies to support a smooth surgery and rapid recovery. Armed with the inspiration and strategies to transform your health, you can increase your chances of a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Those who stick with the strategies learned in this program are likely to find their health transformed for life.

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