How Did My FAMILY Get In My OFFICE?!: Surprising Ways Your Upbringing Impacts you At Work And What You Can Do About It
by Bonnie Artman Fox
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Believe it or not, how we survive (or thrive) at work—especially how we deal with conflict—has much to do with how we were raised. In this powerful book, workplace conflict expert Bonnie Artman Fox brings you stories of how real-life leaders have conquered conflict by learning from the lessons of their upbringing. Along the way, Bonnie will teach you how to use your own Family Factor™ to address conflict at work and grow in healthy, proactive ways. With inspiring stories and game-changing insight, How Did My Family Get In My Office?! will transform you and how you resolve conflict with your employees, managers, coworkers, and customers for many years to come.
This book will help you and your team:
• Identify how your family upbringing influences your conflict style at work
• Make smart choices on when and how to react to conflict with employees
• Stick with difficult conversations while staying in control of your emotions
• Establish and enforce boundaries, even with demanding people
• Resolve differences and work better together
• Build trust that drives greater results for you and your organization