Amma's Cookbook: Inspired by Recipes Across Time, Cultures & Generations Made Quick and Easy!
by Divya LV Jegasundaram
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Whether it be for nutrition, good health or just a tool by which we can bring people together, food is an important feature in everyone’s lives. #However food is enjoyed when surrounded with love or when made with love. There is no bigger epitome of this than meals which you remember from your childhood. There is no greater evoking of positive emotions and times of enjoyment than when you are enjoying your Amma’s food!
This book presents an amalgamation of such recipes with a modern twist. Why not combine the treasured culinary memories of your youth in a robust and healthy way?! In the hustle and bustle of everyday life here are recipes that will not only contain wholesomeness of home cooked meals without the hours of careful preparation!
This book is not so much a presentation of traditional recipes but more an exploration of how one can adapt traditional meals in a modern day setting thereby allowing the future generations to forge their own memories to revert to when the going gets tough. Remember the old adage that “the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This book will adapt that adage to, “The key to everyone’s heart is through their stomach!”
Enjoy! Eat! Experience!