Walking In the Shadow of Footsteps: A Journey of Enlightenment
by Roynell Young,Anita R. Henderson
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Walking in the Shadow of Footsteps takes readers on an emotional journey through the life of an unlikely hero who earned his way into the National Football League as a first-round draft pick, enjoyed a nine-year career as a professional athlete, then carved a pathway that led him to create an organization that today impacts thousands in the impoverished Sunnyside area of Houston. Driven by an unquenchable desire to discover his life’s purpose, Young learned that true power and freedom are the result of an unshakable commitment to live his purpose and spread the good news to the underdog. His unique story is his love letter to humanity.
#1 Hot New Release in SEVENTEEN categories in FOUR countries, including US, AU, CA, and UK. #1 International Bestseller in FIVE categories including Christian Leadership, Men's Christian Living, Nonprofit Management & Leadership in US; and Biographies & Memoirs Of Educators and Christian Stewardship in AU.