The Freedom Challenge: FOR OWNERS OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY PRACTICES WHO WORK TOO HARD IN THEIR BUSINESS - How To Create A Management Consulting Practice That Works Without You
by Greg Roworth
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Yet, there are a few highly successful entrepreneurial consultants that break the mold and grow beyond struggle and survival to have businesses that are ultimately scalable and saleable.
In The Freedom Challenge, Greg Roworth, who himself has started, grown and sold three successful consultancy firms over the past twenty-five years, reveals the five critical mistakes that almost all owners of management consultancy firms make that keep them trapped in their businesses, and who, while often making good money, are frustrated by their inability to take their business to the next level and are stressed by the time they need to invest in the business to make it work.
The book also highlights the different way top consultants think about the critical aspects of their business and shows you the all important steps these business leaders take to create a business that really works and how to create a management consulting practice that works without you.