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Conviction Marketing

by Kelly Roach


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How to get and keep attention online without dancing around, pointing at nothing.

In a world where everyone is playing a game of following the leader, it’s no wonder that the most common struggle we hear from entrepreneurs we coach is that they can’t stand out and attract the right leads.

Unfortunately, in today’s digital marketing world, the common belief is to duplicate what others are doing, so you can get more views, likes, or comments.

But, all this does is ensure that you are thrown into the pack with everyone else in your market.

What if instead of dancing around to trending songs, lip synching to other people’s audios, or jumping on every bandwagon that presents itself you:

  • Created content based on the deep beliefs you have about your industry and what you do?
  • You connected with your ideal clients on an emotional level by inspiring them in ways few others will dare to do?
  • Taught in a way that was compelling and built your authority, but didn’t feel transactional?

What if you didn’t loathe the process of content creation, but actually looked forward to it because you had a strategy to create compelling content that felt fully aligned and authentic?

It’s time to hop off the social media hamster wheel of chasing the trends, and start building out your intellectual property, taking your place as an industry thought leader, and connecting with the hell-yes clients you WANT to work with.

In Conviction Marketing I am teaching you:

  • How to avoid the copy/paste trap of the online marketing world
  • The three types of content that will help you cut through the noise and truly stand out from the crowd
  • How to identify your core convictions and clearly articulate them
  • How to build your tribe
  • The power of follow-through from marketing to service delivery
  • How to become a true category of one
  • Why your moral compass is the key to marketing
  • Stepping into the role of millionaire visionary

If you are tired of the templated, boring, ineffective marketing strategies that cause you to blend in with the crowd and are looking for ways to completely break away from the pack, to lead your industry, and connect with your ideal clients… This book gives you a clear strategy to do that, day after day.

If you're riding the marketing struggle bus, grab a copy of Conviction Marketing today!

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