Earn A Blackbelt In...: An Average Guy's Guide to Life (English Edition)
Robert Nichols
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First and foremost, I am not an expert on any of the topics discussed in this book. Hell, this is my first book so I don’t know if I’m much of a writer either. I’m an average everyday person like most. Second, this isn't a book about martial arts. Sorry if it comes as a surprise given the title, and a surprise because, yes, that is what I do for a living. I am a martial arts instructor. I've been training for more than 30 years and running a school for more than 20. I have black belts, accolades, hall of fame inductions, trophies, and all of that. But, to be honest, so do a lot of instructors. So you're probably thinking "what is this book about?"
Well, I will completely admit, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and screwed up a lot of things. But I think one thing that I’ve been fortunate with is that I’m pretty good about learning from those mistakes. So I guess that’s kind of the point of this book; from an average guy's point of view. Yes, I've spent years teaching martial arts, and that comes with the responsibility of motivating others. In this book, I'll be telling stories that inspire others to strive harder and achieve more. That's what a good instructor does, in my opinion. We must be willing to admit that we don't know everything and that there is still a lot to learn, especially when we might fail. I'm not necessarily referring to punching and kicking. I'm referring to your efforts to better yourself as a person; learning about how to educate, lead, read people, and motivate others.
So relax and get ready to have a one-on-one conversation with me. Yes, this is a conversation between two people rather than a book. This is not me telling you how to live your life as you read these pages. Rather, as you hear about my life, you can be reflective and have ideas about your own. Order your copy of Earn A Blackbelt In...An Average Guy's Guide to Life today.