1% More: The Hidden Force to Creating Extraordinary Results in Life & Business!
by Leonard D. DeCarmine,Frederick Martinez,Christopher Shiver,Carrie Verrocchio,David Medansky,Jeremy Nicolaides,Darryn Yates,Ange Paceviciute,Nicole Harwick,Craig Darling,Teresa Martell,Nadine Sabulsky,Corryn Kivett,Allison Megherian,Danielle Fagan,Alexander Richmond,Tom Loegering,Stan Cole,Mike Lamothe,Dr. Karthik Ramanan,Alicia Thorp,Becky Norwood,Teresa Porter,Robert W. Jones
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Shed the worry and stress that leaves you feeling undervalued, tired, and overwhelmed.
Welcome to the power of 1% More! The authors in this book have been where you are, and share their stories of transformation. Through them, and through the guidance of four essential pillars, you’ll find the focus and strength to take simple, actionable steps to uncover your path to freedom.
You have the power to create unlimited possibilities. Let 1% More open the doors for You to truly understand how to make your life extraordinary!
Remember, everything starts with You!
Our vision is to create “A global movement to empower people in personal growth and achievement� and a community that thrives globally to Inspire, Influence, and Motivate people to take action, create change, and achieve success. To become global leaders!
In this book, you will hear from many passionate coaches, business professionals, health experts, personal development specialists, and others. They will share their personal stories, techniques, simple strategies, and solutions for dealing with the issues you are facing right now! They offer tools that you can use to harness the hidden force, just like others are doing to make their lives extraordinary!
The processes and strategies you will learn throughout this book to guide you in achieving that 1% more which is focused on four core pillars: Awareness, Growth, Action, and Impact.
These four concepts represent the Extraordinary Being Movement’s pillars to transformation. In each section, carefully selected authors will expand upon these pillars and share their insights, stories, strategies, as well as systems to help further you in life and business. The authors in the book were chosen based on their unique talents, areas of interest, and professionalism. They are all excited to be part of your journey!
The chapters will guide you deeper into the lessons and strategies associated with each pillar. Many chapters will provide activities and questions to help reinforce your knowledge to take immediate action. Please take your time reading the book, take notes, and apply what you have learned because this is the first step toward transformation!
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson