The Author vs. Editor Dilemma: The Leadership Secret to Unlocking Your Team, Your Time, and Your Impact
by Brandon Smith
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Despite what you may have been told, you don’t have a time management or “prioritization� problem - you have a seat problem. The solution to reclaiming control of your life and winning back hours in your week is to overcome and master The Author vs. Editor Dilemma. Through this book, you will be equipped with the tools to:
- Lead your team to take ownership, show initiative and display critical thinking to solve challenges without you
- Reclaim your time so you spend more time working “on� the business rather than “in� the business
- Maximize your impact by learning the art of “clienteling� as you guide your supervisor’s decisions and influence your organization’s direction
Bursting with innovative ideas, practical examples and easily implementable approaches, The Author vs. Editor Dilemma will transform how you think about the structure and organization of your daily interactions. It will help you maximize any vertical relationship, from leading your team to influencing your manager.