Sandra's Syndrome: An Uncommon Love Story of True-Life Fiction
by Mark Merkley
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Humorous, thoughtful, sensual… a gripping page-turner to the end, Sandra's Syndrome gives readers a beloved heroine at a time when humankind needs one like never before.
#1 International Bestseller in the USA and AU.
A love story of true-life fiction.
Sandra’s Syndrome invites readers to use reasoned thinking as they examine religious tenants that are often in conflict with scientific fact and the theological acts of racism, patriarchy, and bias toward uncommon people those tenants create.
“Sandras Syndrome is an eye-opening story. It has changed my perception of so many things. I never knew someone like Sandra actually exists. Each person is to be understood and loved for who and what they are. Parts of this book actually brought me to tears. This is a must read for everyone. I am anxiously awaiting the sequels to this book. Mark Merkley put a lot of thought and research into Sandra’s syndrome and truly did a wonderful job with his footnotes.� –T. Ziegelmann
Secrets are cruel challenges.
Especially a secret God gave Sandra that not even He can accept and refuses to tolerate. Sandra is a Mormon girl, but this story is not about Mormons. It is about an explosive secret, racial bigotry, superstition, and bias toward uncommon people-a mixture with the power to transform humanity.
June 8, 1978, a historic date for an entire church that attempted to end racism. For Sandra, it was the first day of battle to end separation and segregation for all special children of God... and you won't believe the miraculous conclusion.