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Sticks and Stones

by Thomas LeBrun


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Raines, a protector, manages to get his client to safety from the fatal blast. However, this will cost him everything. As despair creeps in, so does solitude, training… and thoughts of revenge. So, he seeks out Tosh, a Japanese Master Martial Artist, and seeks purpose in life, to find himself and the truth.
Cameron Stone, also a protector, finds himself called away on protection assignments. Although his security details grow more complex and deadly, he's not the kind to back down from a challenge, and failure isn't an option.
Leaving his girlfriend, Sara behind isn't easy. She, in turn, trains in Martial Arts and Parkour and stands behind her love.
Three very different people on very similar paths discover that life has winners and life has losers; sometimes, we lose everything in the blink of an eye only to spend eternity thinking about that one moment…

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