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The Black and White of Baseball: Overcoming Bias in Baseball and Life

by George F. Wrighster


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George F. Wrighster had a dream that his life would take him on a journey which lead him to play Major League Baseball. The problem was that he didn’t clearly understand that achieving that dream would encompass more than him being a talented player. We never know where our journey in life will take us, but for sure, we know our life‘s experiences will impact our paths.

George had no idea what would lie ahead as he embarked on the journey of documenting his experience in baseball, and what he experienced with his grandson. George was so passionate about what was happening to him in his life, and in the lives of so many others, he knew that he had to Record it. His passion and love of the game was the inspiration to write this book to let others know that they do have power and options to change their paths.

George has played baseball since he was a child, and after all these years is so heartbroken to realize not much has changed in the sport since he was a child playing it himself.

This book will empower you inspire you to make bold moves in your life, or in the life of a loved one playing sports. Do you will realize that you do not have to succumb to the status quo? You can be a captain driving the boat of your future for your child.

You will be motivated to take an inward look at your choices. The coaches you’ve selected for school schools and the way you have accepted the cards that have been dealt to you. Not only will this book bring about memories, and your past some painful hurtful experiences, but it will renew your love of baseball and cause you to be hopeful for a fair the future. We can move the needle if we believe we can, and take action.

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