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Through the Lens: Learning Life's Lessons Through a Photographer's Eyes

by Nicoli, Dawn


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One Frame at a Time...

A photographer’s journey through life is a special one.

Where most people interpret and view situations from the lens of their eyes, a true photographer sees the same scene through the lens of her camera. Through her creativity, she can reframe life’s diverse tapestry through an artist’s eye.

In every composition, there lies a narrative waiting to be told, echoing the tales of a unique story.

Just as life unfolds in chapters, a
photographer’s lens records a visual auto biography.

The high contrast drama of stormy skies mirrors the tumultuous chapters of personal struggles.

The gentle soft focus of the petals of a flower reflects the wonder of new beginnings.

The click of a shutter, like a heartbeat, continues to parallel the rhythms of life’s grand symphony, capturing its essence, one frame at a time.

This is my journey.

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